Purely Refreshing Water

UV Systems
How Does UV Light Work?
UV technology can be more effective than chemicals in destroying certain waterborne contaminants without altering the taste of the water. This makes it a practical process for treating water that is used for drinking and food preparation.
UV light disinfects by penetrating microorganisms and disrupting their DNA, preventing them from multiplying. The only function of a microorganism is to breed and produce colonies this is why when we ingest microorganisms they make us sick. These organisms get into our intestinal system, begin to breed and produce colonies which cause our bodies to react trying to get rid of this invasion. This is the reason why bacteriological contamination is almost always associated with occurrences of diarrhea. A microorganism which cannot breed is of no concern.
Ultraviolet (UV) technology is more effective than chemicals in destroying certain waterborne contaminants without altering the taste of water. This makes it a practical process for treating water used for drinking and food preparation.
Treating our water supply by the use of UV disinfection is not only more effective than traditional treatments, but it is also an environmental responsible way of treating our water. There are no disinfection by-products with the use of UV which is safe and chemical free. Plus, UV does not alter water chemistry and its constituents, such as pH, taste, odor, or colour.
Purchasing a UV disinfection system for your home has a capital low cost as well as a low operational cost. The energy used by a UV disinfection system in an average size home is comparable to the same energy used by a 40-watt bulb!